Profile Pic: Adam Zheng LinkedIn

Howdy, I'm Adam Zheng, a sophomore at Texas A&M studying aerospace engineering. As someone who aspires to one day be at the cutting edge of space exploration, this project has taught me how much more we have to learn about our very own sun, not to mention the unimaginably vast domain of interstellar space. And of course, this was also a great learning experience in terms of building my first website. You see, from October 1-2, 2023, during the NASA Space Apps Challenge, Warren Wu and I tackled a challenge called "Creative Data Display With the Parker Solar Probe," for which we created this website. Alas, the website ultimately proved to be too ambitious to complete in two days. So over the subsequent year or so, I worked independently to bring the original vision for Project Icarus to fruition. This is the result.

Profile Pic: Warren Wu GitHub

Howdy, I'm Warren Wu, a sophomore at Texas A&M studying computer science. Working on this project taught me a lot, not just about the web developing experience, but also about space exploration and astronomy in general. The web development itself was a challenge as we wanted to have many different functionalities, with certain components that required tools outside my expertise. The 3D interactive model of the Parker Solar Probe was such an example where I had to use Three.JS, which was a new javascript framework that I ended up learning specifically for the purpose of integrating this interactive model into our website.